PDA Tryouts


PDA Tryouts

Tryout Schedule for The Players Development Academy for the 2011 20012 Season:

For individual teams click on the links below.
This page will be updated to reflect the upcoming tryouts for all PDA teams.


PDA Tryouts 2011

PDA North Teams in Black
PDA South Teams in Blue

Please be sure to print out a registration form and hand it in at the tryouts.
Also, make sure players have a ball, shin guards and water

Registration Form


Parents: Look below to find the tryouts and age group for your child.
Please be sure to print out a registration form and hand it in at the tryouts.
Also, make sure players have a ball, shin guards and water

Registration Form

PDA South Rising U8 (Born between Aug. ’03-Jul. ’04)
Friday 5/6
Tuesday 5/10
BCIT-Westampton Campus
695 Woodlane Rd.
Westampton, NJ 08060
**Please park in the school parking lot at the top of the hill. Please not along the road or in the Special Services building lot.**

Registration Form




Next years U8 Girls PDA Lyon have a couple of roster spots still available. For information, please contact glenn@carsonservicesgroup.com

Registration Form

PDA South Rising U9 (Born between Aug. ’02-Jul. ’03)
Friday 5/6
Tuesday 5/10
BCIT-Westampton Campus
695 Woodlane Rd.
Westampton, NJ 08060
**Please park in the school parking lot at the top of the hill. Please not along the road or in the Special Services building lot.**

Registration Form


  PDA South U8 for Fall 2011
Monday April 11th from 5:00 to 6:30
Wednesday April 13th from 5:00 to 6:30
Friday April 29th from 5:00 to 6:30
Medford Soccer Club 293 Medford Mt Holly Rd Medford, NJ 08055
Head Coach Keith Harman

PDA South Rising U10 (Born between Aug. ’01-Jul.’02)
Friday 5/6
Tuesday 5/10
BCIT-Westampton Campus
695 Woodlane Rd.
Westampton, NJ 08060
**Please park in the school parking lot at the top of the hill. Please not along the road or in the Special Services building lot.**

Registration Form



PDA South  Magic U9G for Fall 2011 
Open Tryouts Throughout the month of May
Bob Bende Park
293 Medford Mt Holly Rd Medford, NJ 08055

For questions or additional please contact
Coach: Aleka Yiantsos
Cell: 609-472-9294
E-Mail: alexandra.yiantsos@gmail.com

PDA South Rising U11 (Born between Aug. ’00-Jul.01)
Friday 5/6
Tuesday 5/10
BCIT-Westampton Campus
695 Woodlane Rd.
Westampton, NJ 08060
**Please park in the school parking lot at the top of the hill. Please not along the road or in the Special Services building lot.**

Registration Form


  PDA Galaxy U9G for Fall 2011
May 12th and May 19th - 5:00pm to 6:30pm
PDA Complex
Any additional info contact Larry Hart
email - soccerswami@verizon.net
Registration Form

PDA New U8 boys Mon, May 9th and Mon, May 16th 5:00pm
PDA Complex
Field #1
Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


  PDA Storm U10G for Fall 2011
April 12th canceled for tonight, rescheduled for May 3rd 5:00pm to 6:30pm. CANCELED!!!
PDA Complex
Any additional info contact Meg Ryan mryan@scarletknights.com and
Erin Guthrie Eguth@eden.rutgers.edu
Registration Form
U9 boys PDA Drogba Mon, May 9th and Mon, May 16th 6:30pm
PDA Complex
Field #1
Head Coach: Mike Hessemer
Email: mphessemer@gmail.com

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form



U-10 PDA South AJAX
Friday April 29th - 6:00-7:30 at Burlington County Institute of Technology- 695 Woodlane Rd, Westampton, NJ
Sunday May 1st - 10:00-11:30 at Bende
Thursday May 5th - 6:00-7:30
Wednesday May 18th from 6:00-7:30
Location: Burlington County Institute of Technology
695 Woodlane Rd
Westampton NJ 08060
Link to the registration for this age group is below
Any questions please email Mike Holt - Mike_Holt84@yahoo.com

U10 boys PDA Kaka Mon, May 2nd and Wed, May 11th 500pm
PDA Complex
Field 6 and 6a
Head Coach: Dave Boutilier
Email: dave.boutilier15@gmail.com

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


  PDA South U11G for Fall 2011

Tuesday, April 19th 5:00pm to 6:30pm at
Westampton Sports Complex 315 Bridge St. Westampton, NJ.
May 5th- 5-6:15pm
Freedom Park, 86 Union St. Medford, NJ.
All questions please contact Fred King

U11 boys PDA Rossi and PDA Donavan Mon, May 2nd and Wed, May 11th 6:00pm
PDA Complex
Lower fields
Head Coach: Juan Santa Maria
Email: Santamariaj86@yahoo.com

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form



PDA Splash U11G for Fall 2011
April 14th, 26th 5:00 to 6:30 pm
May 5th 5:00 to 6:30 pm
PDA Complex
Any additional info contact
Billy Bustamonte Wbusta10@comcast.net
Registration Form

PDA South United ’99 - rising U12
Monday, 4/11 and 4/18
Friday, 4/15 and 4/22
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Location of Tryouts:
BCIT-Burlington County Institute of Tech
695 Woodlane Rd Westampton, NJ. 08060
contact: Pat Snyder
snyder.ps@gmail.com or 609-947-2128

Registration Form



PDA Gunners U12G for Fall 2011
April 19th – Tuesday
April 27th – Wednesday
May 3rd - Tuesday
May 6th – Friday
PDA Complex time 5:00pm to 6:30pm
For questions or additional please contact Mike Gould
Registration Form

1999 Pre Academy and U12 Jinky and U 12 Rooney Wed, May 4th and Mon, May 9th 6:00pm
PDA Complex
Lower fields
Head Coach: Todd Moser Rooney
Email: District31@aol.com

Head Coach: Jimmy Corcoran Jinky
Email: jcorcoran@weichertrealtors.net

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


  PDA Atletica U12G
April 19th – Tuesday
April 27th – Wednesday
May 3rd - Tuesday
May 6th – Friday
PDA Complex time 5:00pm to 6:30pm
For questions or additional please contact Mike Gould
Registration Form

1999 Pre Academy Tues, June 7th 6:00pm
Call backs and current Pre Academy players
PDA Complex
Lower fields

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form





PDA South Pride U12G for Fall 2011

Friday, April 29th 6-7:30PM Burlington County Institute of Technology- 695 Woodlane Rd, Westampton, NJ
Friday, May 6th, 6-7:30PM BCIT in Westampton 
Tuesday, May 10th, 6:30-8PM BCIT in Westampton 

Directions to the BCIT below:
Form to fill out below:

PDA South United ’98 - rising U13
Friday, 4/15 and 4/29
Monday, 4/25
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Location of Tryouts:
BCIT-Burlington County Institute of Tech
695 Woodlane Rd Westampton, NJ. 08060
contact: Brian Thiel
ultimatesoccer21@comcast.net or 609-560-6632

Registration Form

  PDA O’Reilly U13G
for Fall 2011 Thursday April 14th, 21st, and 28th at the PDA Complex time 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Head Coach Tom Anderson
Registration Form

(Please note that players already signed with Academy club for 2010/2011 participating in the North East Pre Academy League cannot try out for any other Academy Club until Mon, June 6th)

1998 Pre Academy and PDA Messi U-13 Wed, May 11th Mon, May 16th Field # 5
Mon, June 6th and Mon, June 13th 6:00pm
PDA Complex
Lower fields

Head Coach: Stewart Smith
Email: ssmith@pdasoccer.org

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


PDA South Samba U13G for Fall 2011
Sunday March 27th from 11:00am to 12:30pm
Friday April 1st, at Burlington County Institute of Technology- 695 Woodlane Rd, Westampton, NJ
8th and 15th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at
Bob Bende Park 293 Medford Mt Holly Rd Medford, NJ 08055.
Monday 4/18- 7:30-9:00 pm at Bob Bende Park 293 Medford Mt Holly Rd Medford, NJ 08055.
Friday 4/29- 6:00-7:30 pm at Bob Bende Park 293 Medford Mt Holly Rd Medford, NJ 08055.
Click here to register
Head Coach Megan Ruttler
Registration Form

PDA South United ’97 - rising U14
Friday, 4/15 and 4/29
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Location of Tryouts:
315 Bridge St.
Westampton, NJ 08060
contact: Brian Thiel
ultimatesoccer21@comcast.net or 609-560-6632

Registration Form


PDA U14G ECNL (Arsenal) fall 2011
April 14th, 26th, time 5:00pm to 6:30pm
May 5th time 6:30pm to 8:00pm
May 19th,  5-6:30 field #1 

PDA Complex
To attend this tryout, Please contact Meg Ryan mryan@scarletknights.com and
Mike ONeill  moneill@scarletknights.com   in advance.

Registration Form

(Please note that players already signed with Academy club for 20110/2011 participating in the North East Pre Academy League cannot try out for any other Academy Club until Mon, June 6th)

1997 Pre Academy and PDA Pele U14  Mon, May 2nd 6:00pm Mon, May 9th and Wed, June 8th and Wed, June 15th 6:00pm
PDA Complex
Lower fields

Head Coach: Sam Nellins
Email: snellins@aol.com

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


PDA South U14G for Fall 2011
Wednesday, April 13th 6:30 to 8:00pm- Westampton Sports Complex 315 Bridge St. Westampton, NJ.
Tuesday, April 19th 6:30pm to 8:00pm at
Westampton Sports Complex 315 Bridge St. Westampton, NJ.
May 5th- U14 6:30-7:45pm
Freedom Park, 86 Union St. Medford, NJ.
May 12th- U14 6:30-8pm Call Back Tryout (invitation only)
Burlington County Institute of Technology, 695 Woodlane Rd, Westampton, NJ
All questions please contact Fred King

PDA South United ’96 - rising U15
Friday, 4/15 and 4/29
7:30 - 9:00 PM
Location of Tryouts:
315 Bridge St.
Westampton, NJ 08060
contact: Jon Kopytko
jkopytko10@gmail.com or 609-941-5362

Registration Form

  PDA U15G ECNL (Clash) fall 2011 AND PDA U15G USYS team.
April 21st 6:30pm to 8:00 pm on Field 1 
May 3rd 6:30pm to 8:00 pm
Any additional info contact
Billy Bustamonte Wbusta10@comcast.net
Registration Form

PDA Keane U15 boys will be conducted @ their team practices.
Contact coach directly
Head Coach: Eric Ruano
Email: Eruano7@yahoo.com

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


PDA South Force U15 for Fall 2011
Open tryouts Monday 5/9 & Thursday 5/19 from 6:30-8:00 @ Burlington County Institute of Technology
695 Woodlane Rd, Westampton, NJ
Directions to the BCIT below:

Head Coach Keith Harman

For information contact pda_force@comcast.net

PDA McGeough U16 boys

Tuesday May 17th and Tuesday May 24th at 8 pm
Head Coach: Doug Nevins
Email: Dnevs99@aol.com
PDA Complex
Field 1

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


PDA South Warriors U-16
Monday April 11th - 7:00-9:00 at Bende
Tuesday April 19th - 7:00-9:00  at
315 Bridge Street, Westampton, NJ 08060
Thursday April 28th - 7:00-9:00 at
315 Bridge Street, Westampton, NJ 08060
For additional information please email Mike Holt - Mike_Holt84@yahoo.com

PDA Harkes U17 boys will be conducted @ their team practices.
Contact coach directly
Head Coach: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


There will be 2 teams at this age group next year.
PDA U16G ECNL (Slammers) and PDA U16G USYS

PDA U16G USYS next tryout this Thursday, May 12th at 6:30 on the lower fields. Contact Head Coach Glen Crookes at grookes@scarletknights.com for more information. 
For more information on the U16 ECNL Slammers contact Mike ONeill at moneill@scarletknights.com

Registration Form

PDA USDA U16 Academy and 1996 Pre Academy Team Mon, May 23rd and Thurs, Jun 9th Lower fields
And Wed, June 29th and Wed, July 6th 6:00pm
Players born in 1995 and 1996
PDA Complex
Field 5
Head Coach: Stewart Smith
Email: ssmith@pdasoccer.org

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


PDA U17G ECNL (Celtic) tryout is canceled for tonight!

****New tryout date is Tuesday June the 14th at 6:30pm****

 fall 2011
For information contact Coach Seth Korman : kormanseth@hotmail.com 
or Coach Larry Hart :  soccerswami@verizon.net
Registration Form

PDA USDA U18 Academy Mon, May 23rd and Wed, June 8th Wed, June 29th and Wed, July 6th 8:00pm
Players born in 1993 and 1994
PDA Complex
Field 5
Head Coach: Sam Nellins
Email: snellins@aol.com

Boys Program Coordinator: John Murphy
Email: murph08@comcast.net

Registration Form


The PDA U17G (U18 fall) ECNL Charge tryout is canceled for tonight!

****New tryout date is Thursday June the 16th at 5pm****

For more information, please contact Mike O’Neill at moneill@scarletknights.com
Registration Form



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