PDA Girls

wins the coveted ECNL Overall Club Championship Award!

PDA Girls

PDA Girls wins the coveted ECNL Overall Club Championship Award!


For the 2nd year in a row (3rd time in 5 years) The PDA has captured the prestigious and ECNL Club Championship. In the ECNL points are accumulated by all the teams in every age group from U14 through U18.  “I couldn’t be any happier and proud about this accomplishment!  It is a real testament to all the talent and hard-work that our players and coaches put in throughout the entire year to achieve such an amazing goal,” said PDA Director of Coaching Mike O’Neill.  “The ECNL, with all the incredible depth of talented teams from around the country, is an amazing and challenging league.  To come out on top as a Club is remarkable.”

Some of the highlights of the teams’ accomplishments that gave PDA the Club National Championship:

  • U18 PDA Slammers National Champs and Conference Champs
  • U15 PDA OReilly National Finalists and Conference Champs
  • U16 Arsenal finished 5th in Nation and Conference Champs
  • U17 Clash finished 8th in Nation and Conference Champs
  • U14 Gunners finished 4th in Nation





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